
Are you stuck with “Nihongo”? Please contact the Multicultural Kids Coordinator

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The coordinators provide a variety of support for children with foreign connections and their parents/guardians who are in need of help. We also deliver necessary support and information together with schools, communities, NPOs and government agencies.


For example…

・Looking for Japanese language classes for children.

・If you have just arrived in Japan and do not understand Japanese.

・You have lived abroad for a long time and are worried about your child’s       Japanese language skills.

・How can I help my child enter a Japanese school?

・I don’t know how the high school entrance examinations work.

・ I would like to consult with you about my child’s career path… etc.


The Nakano Association for International Communications (ANIC) has been running the ‘Children’s Japanese Classes’ together with volunteers since 2002, supporting the Japanese language skills of many elementary and junior high school students who are connected to foreign countries.


Enquiries: Nakano Association for International Communications (ANIC)

Nakano ZERO West Building, 2-9-7 Nakano, Nakano-ku

Tel: 03-5342-9169 (Mon-Fri 9:00-17:00)

Email anic@nifty.com
